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Moppet Dadsperience: Strategies For Keeping The Love Going

The first few months in a couple’s life are usually very rosy; they try to make their time together more memorable. However, as time goes on, little problems could threaten to pull them apart. Marriage changes a lot of things in a couple’s life especially when they become parents. They are swamped with work and other things on one hand, and on the other hand, will need to make out time to cater for their kids.

The relationship between parents can affect the kids. A strong and healthy family relationship helps children feel loved, wanted, comfortable and very confident, otherwise, the children will be affected negatively.

Car dealer/Transporter and father of two, Nwodo Fabian Chinedu shares his strategies for maintaining the love and bond he shares with his wife.

My wife and I met while in secondary school. It all started when I became her adviser and confidant. We became best friends, and that kicked-off the chemistry.
We dated for about 2 yrs or thereabout before marriage.
How I knew she was going to be my wife?
(Laughs) She compliments me in every way. I could talk to her about everything and being with her was amazing and peaceful. We have been married for 7 years now and are blessed with 2 wonderful kids.

Yes, my wife has offended me before. There’s no perfect marriage. We solved it by talking things through. It always works.
I have also offended her before. Like I said, marriage is no bed of roses but communication helps. It has always helped.

The things sustaining the love in my marriage are Love, Trust, and Understanding. We pray to God together as often as we can and find time for each other in between our busy schedules.
The one key thing I have learned in my relationship with my wife is that letting love lead is very important.

Do I tell my wife I love her from time to time?
(Smiles) I don’t o. It’s not exactly in my nature to. She complains about it though but I find ways to make it up to her.

When asked about the kind of things that his wife would do that will make him to stop loving her, Mr Fabian mentioned that, that can only happen if she kills him.

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