MOPPET – Instant Babies and Toddlers Cereals, made with 100% natural and organic ingredients

Month: June 2023

Guidelines for Children with Food Allergies

When it comes to nutrition for children with food allergies, it is essential to ensure they receive a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs while avoiding the allergenic foods. Here are some general guidelines to consider: Work with a healthcare professional: Consult a pediatrician or a registered dietitian who specializes in pediatric nutrition and …

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Moppet Dadsperience: Extended Family Role In The Family

Marriage changes a lot of things including family relationships. It happens real quick and can be pretty weird not having your close family (whom you have lived with for years) by your side most of the time. For some couples, the first few months are hard but with time they get to adjust especially with …

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How to Encourage Creativity and Imagination in Children

While creativity is an in-born trait, it can also be learnt and nurtured. Encouraging creativity and imagination in children can be done through the following ways: Provide open-ended materials and activities: Offer materials that allow for endless possibilities and encourage children to use their imaginations and creativity. Encourage exploration: Allow children to explore and experiment …

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Moppet Dadsperience: Having and Raising an Only Child

Having an only child is a choice and conscious decision for some parents, and not for other parents. Negative stereotypes surround having a single child. In a society like Nigeria, parents with one or two offsprings face societal pressures to ‘add to the number(s)’. An only child can come with a lot of benefits for …

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How to Build Resilience in Children

Building resilience in children is essential for their emotional well-being and ability to navigate challenges successfully. Resilience enables children to bounce back from failure and adversity, learn from their experiences, and develop a positive mindset. Here are some strategies to help children develop resilience: Foster a supportive environment: Create a safe and nurturing environment at …

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Moppet Dadsperience: A Child’s Name and its Significance.

Many believe that a name as a means of identification, carries deep, personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections.A significant aspect of naming in Nigeria is the use of names to reflect spiritual beliefs. A name is a unique identity for a child, but does a child’s name influence his/her character? To what extent does a …

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The Importance of Boundaries in Parenting and How To Set and Maintain Them

Setting and maintaining boundaries in parenting is crucial for the healthy development and well-being of both children and parents. Boundaries provide structure, guidance, and a sense of security for children, while also helping parents maintain their own well-being and personal boundaries. Here are some key importance of boundaries in parenting: Establishing Clear Expectations: Boundaries help …

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